I. LỜI MỞ
  Năm 2008, Tiến sĩ Bor-cheng Han, Giáo sư Khoa Y tế công cộng tại Đại học Y khoa Đài Bắc, bị ung thư gan nặng, tiên lượng chỉ còn sống khoảng 3 tháng.
   Khối u gan rất lớn, đường kính gần 20 cm (7 inch rưỡi) và nặng gần 3 kg (4 pound rưỡi) đã phá tan cuộc sống yên bình của ông ta.
   Sau cuộc phẫu thuật lần đầu để cắt bỏ khối u, vì tiên lượng quá xấu, khả năng sống thêm không lâu nên bác sĩ điều trị không cho hóa trị. Vì thế, ung thư di căn lên phổi và bùng phát nặng nề hơn.
   Tổng cộng TS Han đã phải trải qua 2 ca phẫu thuật, 25 lần hóa trị và 12 lần xạ trị. May mắn thay, cuối cùng các tế bào ung thư cũng dần dần yên lắng. Và 12 năm sau, ông chủ quan cảm thấy khỏe hơn những ngày trước ung thư.
   Dưới đây là chia sẻ của ông về những kinh nghiệm bản thân trong việc chữa trị căn bệnh ung thư gan quái ác của bản thân mình
  Cảm xúc tiêu cực có thể tạo ra bệnh tật, và trái tim hạnh phúc là liều thuốc tuyệt vời.
  Căng thẳng với người chung quanh sẽ làm stress cho chính mình. Tiến sĩ Han cho biết: “Một trong những lý do chính dẫn đến bất hạnh là mọi người có mối quan hệ căng thẳng với nhau và tự nhiên ở trong trạng thái cảm xúc tiêu cực. Ông phát hiện ra rằng những trí thức thường tự cao và có định kiến, nên khó thay đổi hòa đồng hơn người bình thường. Do đó, ông khuyên nên sẵn sàng nhận và thực hiện lời xin lỗi. Một lời xin lỗi chân thành và thay đổi từ trái tim có thể giúp cải thiện mối quan hệ giữa các cá nhân và cho phép phát triển tinh thần và cảm xúc tích cực.
  Rất có lợi trong việc cải thiện khả năng tự phục hồi của cơ thể.
  Ngâm chân trong nước muối ấm thô trước khi đi ngủ, thở bụng, ngồi thiền để tĩnh tâm.
  Thư giãn, xoa dịu tâm trí và ngủ ngon cũng có lợi trong việc cải thiện khả năng tự phục hồi của cơ thể.
1. Thực phẩm nên dùng: ngũ cốc, đậu, hạt, rau, trái cây, gia vị và dầu tốt.
  Ngũ cốc nguyên hạt như như gạo lứt, lúa mạch,
  Các loại đậu và hạt nguồn cung cấp protein thực vật.
   Trứng, thịt trắng và các sản phẩm từ sữa hữu cơ cung cấp đạm động vật.
  Dầu và chất béo nguồn thực vật như dầu ô liu, dầu cải, dầu phộng, dầu hạt lanh và các loại dầu tốt khác có chứa axit béo omega-3 không bão hòa.
  Rau, trái càng nhiều màu sắc càng tốt. Nên chọn các loại trái cây ít ngọt.Các loại rau như cải thìa, cải thảo, củ dền, rau bina, cải kale, măng tây, súp lơ trắng, bông cải xanh, hành tây có tác dụng tốt trong việc ức chế sự phát triển của tế bào ung thư.
  Gia vị: Tỏi, tỏi xanh, hành lá, cỏ xạ hương, hương thảo, nghệ và bột đinh hương đều rất giàu chất chống oxy hóa, có tác dụng chống viêm.
2. Nên dùng các thức ăn tự nấu.
  Ước tính đơn giản khẩu phần của mỗi bữa ăn: một phần tư rau, một phần tư trái cây, một phần tư ngũ cốc, một phần tư protein và dầu, với phương châm “Chế độ ăn càng đơn giản và đa dạng thì càng tốt”.
3. Một số thực phẩm mà bác sĩ Han đã dùng
* Ba đến năm cốc trà xanh hoặc nước chanh và một cốc sữa đậu nành nảy mầm.
* Trộn một thìa bột nghệ và nửa thìa hạt tiêu đen với một chút dầu ô liu, rồi thêm hỗn hợp này vào món salad, rau, súp và các bữa cơm trộn.
* Tỏi, tỏi xanh, hành lá, hành tây, cải bắp, súp lơ trắng, nấm enoki và các loại rong biển và tảo bẹ.
* Dâu tây tươi, quả việt quất, dâu tằm, quả mâm xôi và các loại quả mọng khác.
* Bổ sung men vi sinh để điều chỉnh hệ vi sinh vật đường ruột.
Không nên quá chi ly tính toán số lượng, chủng loại thức ăn trong khẩu phần, số gam chất dinh dưỡng hoặc lượng calo ăn một ngày, vì rất khó với người bình thường. Tiến sĩ Han choằng, chế độ ăn uống quá phức tạp, rất dễ “sinh ra căng thẳng, thay vì duy trì sức khỏe tốt”. Do đó, trước tiên hãy kiểm tra xem con có ăn quá nhiều thức ăn không nên ăn hay không, giảm dần số lượng và sau đó ăn càng nhiều thức ăn bổ dưỡng càng tốt.
Tránh các đồ uống có đường, đồ ăn nhẹ, bánh quy, thực phẩm chế biến sẵn, tinh bột tinh chế, dầu xấu và thịt đỏ. Ăn quá nhiều thực phẩm chế biến sẵn không chỉ gây ung thư mà còn có thể gây ra các bệnh mãn tính khác.
   In 2008, Dr. Bor-cheng Han, a professor in the Department of Public Health at Taipei Medical University, was diagnosed with liver cancer and was expected to have only three months to live. But 12 years later, he says he is healthier than his pre-cancer days.
   The 64-year-old professor has been sharing his cancer-fighting methods with the public. With his spirited smile and cheerful voice, it is not at all obvious that he was once a cancer patient who had two-thirds of his liver removed. How did he achieve this?
  Life After Cancer Has Taken a Turn for the Better
  Dr. Han previously lived a stable life while teaching at Taipei Medical University and taking care of his daughter. However, in April 2008, a large tumor of nearly 7 1/2 inches in diameter and 4 1/2 pounds in weight discovered in his liver shattered his peaceful life.
    After his diagnosis of cancer, he underwent surgery to have the tumor removed. The attending physician did not recommend chemotherapy, believing that Dr. Han’s days were numbered.
    Afterwards, his cancer metastasized to his lungs. It eventually went into remission and then reoccurred.
    Dr. Han underwent two operations, 25 chemotherapy sessions and 12 radiotherapy sessions in total. Finally, after the second removal of a liver tumor of 1 inch in diameter, the cancer cells in his body gradually calmed down.
   From the initial shock to the arduous treatment process, those days seemed to be stretched out by the pain. Those days were marked by anxiety, fear, uncertainty about the future, and despair. Dr. Han said he still remembers the days of trepidation after surgery, the shock when he learned of the cancer metastasis, the painful side effects of chemotherapy, and the fear he felt every time he read the test results.
   “It’s hard for people, who haven’t had such an illness, to understand my feelings and thoughts during this difficult period of time,” Dr. Han said, adding that the advice he received from others to be open-minded was not helpful.
This great trial and pain also forced him to face his life anew. Dr. Han realized that in order to walk a good and stable path in his fight against cancer, some of his habits, notions, and laziness that he had developed over the years had to change. Today, 12 years later, he hasn’t experienced any cancer recurrence, and he is even in better health than before he had cancer.
    Getting Rid of Negative Thinking and Improving Interpersonal Relationships by Apologizing
  One part of the process of changing himself was to put aside his pride and take the initiative to apologize to his daughter.
  Before cancer, Dr. Han was very strict with his daughter, and his scolding had made her very stressed, so their parent-child relationship was strained.
   He said that if he didn’t solve this issue, his daughter might carry the trauma for the rest of her life, and he himself would also be unhappy. “Is there any benefit to this? No,” he thought to himself. To resolve the resentment, he could only apologize, so his daughter would be relieved. He explained, “This was not only to help her, but also to help myself.”
    Negative emotions can create illness, and a blissful heart is an excellent medicine, but it is difficult for people nowadays to live a happy life. “One of the major reasons for unhappiness is that people have strained relationships with one another and are naturally in a state of negative emotions,” said Dr. Han.
   He has discovered that high-level intellectuals are often very self-aware and have certain preconceptions about people and things, and it is more difficult for them to change than the average person. They have to have the willingness to admit their mistakes first, before carrying out their apologies. A genuine apology and change from the heart can help improve interpersonal relationships and allow for positive mental and emotional development.
   Does apologizing first mean that you are wrong? He explained, “There is nothing wrong with being wrong. Do you have to be right? The biggest problem of modern people is that they always think they are right and they can’t stop arguing with each other, which is why they have so many problems.” By walking in another man’s shoes, you will find that everyone has their own stance and difficulties. Only if you can understand this will your relationships with others improve.
    As Dr. Han gradually carried out self-reflection, saw things from his daughter’s perspective, apologized to her and then gave her space, the relationship between father and daughter became increasingly harmonious, and his daughter eventually started to confide in him. Nowadays, he and his daughter take turns cooking meals, and sometimes his daughter even prepares his lunch boxes.
     Soaking Feet in Lukewarm Water With Coarse Salt to Calm Your Mind
    Relaxing, calming your mind, and getting a good night’s sleep are also beneficial in improving your body’s self-healing power.
    With all the daily stresses of life, it is important to find ways to calm yourself so that the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves can be balanced, which then helps to improve the quality of sleep.
    Soaking your feet in lukewarm water with coarse salt before bed, abdominal breathing, and meditation are all ways to help you relax.
   The lukewarm water with coarse salt simulates seawater. When the feet touch seawater, it calms the mind. When soaking feet in water, you should also let your mind rest and avoid talking, eating, watching TV, and using cell phones.
   Dr. Han pointed out that people generally use hot water to soak their feet, but the rise in body temperature will make emotions run high. Furthermore, the habit of watching TV while soaking feet does not help calm the mind.
In addition, relaxation also has a major premise: you must be aware of your own tension and have the idea of “I want to relax.”
   Only then can you find ways to relax. For example, it is important to give yourself five to ten minutes to empty your mind, which is very important according to Dr. Han.
   Cooking for Yourself and Your Family With Benevolent Thoughts
   Another large change in Dr. Han’s life after cancer is that he started cooking for his family. This has become one of the four most enjoyable things in life for him. When he cooks for his family with benevolent thoughts, he believes that the food he makes will be more delicious and energizing.
    In the famous “Emoto water crystallization experiment,” when water receives a good message, beautiful crystals can form. Similarly, cooking in a wonderful mood is not only beneficial for your health and that of your family, but it also generates good energy for the food. When your family is satisfied with the food and you feel happy, a positive cycle can be formed. “There are many elements of happiness to be found at the table,” Dr. Han said.
    If you can’t cook often, then you shouldn’t put too much pressure on yourself. For instance, spouses in a double-income family are likely to both leave work late, so they can communicate with each other first to arrange a flexible and comfortable cooking schedule and plan.
   Cancer-Fighting Diet With Wholesome Foods
   The content of a cancer-fighting diet is especially important. However, constantly calculating the number of servings of vegetables and fruits, the number of grams of nutrients or the calories to eat a day is difficult for the average person.
   Dr. Han explained that if the diet becomes too complicated, then it is easy to “generate stress, instead of maintaining good health.”
   He has only one major principle when it comes to his diet: first check if he is eating too much food that he should not eat, gradually reduce the amount, and then eat as much nutritious food as possible.
   Foods to avoid: sugary drinks, snacks, biscuits, processed foods, refined starch, bad oils, and red meat.
    Eating too much processed food not only causes cancer, but may also cause other chronic diseases. For example, the cakes and snacks that many love contain too much trans-fat, so they are the foods that we should avoid.
    Foods to consume: grains, vegetables, fruits, spices, and good oils.
    We should use whole grains, such as brown rice and quinoa, as staple foods. Vegetables and fruits should have as many colors as possible. To reduce sugar, fruits with low sweetness should be the choice.
    And the following foods are more effective in preventing and fighting cancer:
    Vegetables: Cabbages, Chinese cabbages, beetroots, spinach, kales, asparagus, white cauliflowers, broccoli, and onions have a good effect in inhibiting the growth of cancer cells.
   Spices: Garlic, green garlic, green onions, thyme, rosemary, turmeric, and clove powder are all rich in antioxidants, which have excellent anti-inflammatory effects.
   Proteins: Plant-based proteins include long-podded cowpeas, tofu, lentils, and peas. Animal-based proteins include eggs, white meat, and organic dairy products.
   Oils and fats: In addition to nuts, you can also add olive oil, mustard seed oil, flaxseed oil, and other good oils containing unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids to your food.
   The homemade meals shared by Dr. Han on his Facebook page often include salad. He said that eating salads allows you to eat good oils, nuts, and a variety of vegetables at the same time. And you can sometimes add chicken breast chunks to your salad for more protein.
   In addition, the portion size of each meal can be simply estimated: a quarter of vegetables, a quarter of fruits, a quarter of grains, and a quarter of proteins and oils.
   “The more simple and varied the diet, the better,” he said, adding that the body naturally responds to a serious and consistent high-quality diet.
   Regardless of the method of fighting cancer, Dr. Han, who has walked the path, emphasized the importance of determination, belief in oneself, implementation, and persistence.
   The following are some of the foods that Dr. Han consumes every day to fight cancer:
   Three to five cups of green tea or lemonade, and one cup of sprouted soybean milk. The sprouted soybeans contain more amino acids, which are easier to absorb and less likely to make you bloated than regular soybeans.
   Mix one tablespoon of turmeric powder and half tablespoon of black pepper with a little bit of olive oil, and add the mixture to salads, vegetables, soups, and mixed rice meals.
  Eat garlic, green garlic, green onions, onions, cabbages, cauliflowers, enoki mushrooms, and other foods rich in polysaccharides. And also eat seaweed and kelp to help with intestinal tract movement and remove wastes, including heavy metals, from the body.
   Eat fresh strawberries, blueberries, mulberries, raspberries, and other berries with antioxidant content and low sweetness.
   Appropriately supplementing probiotics to regulate the intestinal microbiome and to enhance intestinal immunity and health.
                                                                                               TS.BS Trần Bá Thoại lược dịch